Why You Should be Using Clean Haircare Products

Go grab your shampoo bottle and check the ingredients to see if it contains sulfates or parabens.
We’ll wait…
If it doesn’t, BRAVO! You are doing a great job minding the labels and selecting products that are safer for your scalp and hair. If it does, it’s time for a change pronto, and PHYTO can get you started on the path to healthy hair, the clean way.
People everywhere are becoming increasingly vigilant about scrutinizing product labels and ingredients to see what they are putting on or in their bodies, and we are all about it. The more educated you are about safe ingredients, the better choices you will make in your purchases.
Sulfates and parabens unfortunately run rampant in haircare products lining the shelves in stores everywhere. PHYTO takes a purer approach. We prefer our products without harsh and potentially harmful chemicals. Here’s why you should stay away from sulfates and use clean haircare products instead:
- Sulfate free formulas don’t mess with your hair’s natural oils. They are there for a reason and stripping them with products that contain sulfates and parabens can throw off the balance of your scalp.
- They can actually weaken your hair. Steering clear of them means stronger, healthier more resilient hair.
- Your color treated hair may lose its luster and affect your vibrant hues. Clean products can bring renewed life to your color instead of muting it.
- They can compromise the hydration your hair needs to remain vibrant and healthy leaving it dry and brittle.
Mind the labels and keep it clean, PHYTO fam! Make good choices.