Proper hair care is not just for the ladies!

Men across the globe take care of their locks, and if you haven’t joined the healthy hair movement, this is the sign you’ve been waiting for! Sure, there are many techniques, tools, and products to maintain gorgeous hair, but here’s a little peek into the PHYTO way.

Let’s address the elephant in the room – hair loss.

It happens and is more common than you may think. According to Web M.D, “As many as 85% of men will have some sort of hair loss in their lifetime.” The reasons vary, from diet to stress levels, and so much more. The better you are to your body, the more you are positively impacting your overall health – inside and out – and that includes your hair. Aging, genes, and your hormones all affect your hair growth. While we can’t do anything to stop the aging process, we can practice some healthy habits to nurture and support your hair and help it thrive.

Vitamins do a body, and your hair, good.

Really good. It’s no coincidence that our  Phytophanere. has been a best seller for years.  You may have even seen it featured on as one of the Best Supplements for Hair Growth. The proprietary formula uses our natural botanicals that have amassed a cult following, to nourish and protect your hair. Add it to your daily cocktail of health supplements, and watch your hair get stronger with just two capsules a day. The combination of essential fatty acids and antioxidants can kickstart that natural keratin growth. 

In addition to the vitamins, you can use Phytocyane to densify your hair and promote more growth. How powerful is this progressive hair thinning fighter? According to a study we facilitated, we saw growth of almost 7,000 hairs after 3-months of use.

Each botanical we chose serves a specific purpose in your hair’s ecosystem. 

  • Amino acids to combat thinning
  • Patented Organic Maca Extract to stimulate growth
  • Patented Shitake Extract to strengthen
  • Vitamin B3 for a boost of vitality

PHYTO is a champion of clean and effective haircare, and our botanical formulas are created to help you keep your hair healthy and vibrant.

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